Dec 8, 2014

Simple Cheese Omelette

Have you ever craved for Omelette. I have! Wierd? Yes, I am :)

Ingredients :

2 eggs
shredded or slices of cheddar cheese as much as you want
chopped herbs of your choice. I used cilantro
1 tbsp milk and 1 tbsp water
salt and pepper
1 tbsp butter

Method :-

Heat a pan with a tbsp of butter. Please make sure the pan is on medium low. While the butter is melting crack two eggs into a bowl and mix with all d other ingredients except cheese.

When the butter is frothy, pour the egg mixture into the hot pan. Take a spatula and start pushing the edges of the omelette to the center. Fill the gap with the liquid, This allows for an almost even cooking and gives the omelette a good texture.

Now place the cheese at the center of the omelette. 

Wait for a minute and you can see the cheese starting to melt. 

When this happens fold the omelette  and serve!
Soft and fluffy!

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