Dec 29, 2014

December 2014 Favourites

i) My favorite dish this month - French Onion Soup By Julia Child

Julia Child is one of my absolute favorite. I prefer  watching 'The French Chef' which was premiered in 1963 than some of the modern cookery shows. Her passion for french cooking is so clear from her TV shows. I own one of her books (which was gifted to me by my husband),Mastering the Art of French Cooking which was beautifully written. I had wanted this book for so long and I am so happy I have it now. I remember watching one of those episodes where Julia Child cried tasting Nancy Silverton's Creme Fraiche Custard Brioche Tart. Those episodes about roast a chicken and cook lobster- WOW!

Fact: Julia did not discover her passion for French cuisine until she was 36 years old. There is no age limit for learning I guess!

French onion Soup
It took 2 days for me to make this dish. Was it worth all the trouble! YES. I will post the recipe of this when I perfect this dish.

ii) My favorite drink this month - Calicut Notebook's Green Fire
 If you are an Indian living in the UAE you would have definitely heard about Calicut Notebook. This is a famous Indian restaurant which offers AMAZING  Kerala cuisine. The restaurant was so packed even at 11:30 pm that we had to wait for a table for two. The price for this drink was AED 10. Mindblowing! Orange juice with red chillies and julienned ginger garnished with cilantro. Do I need to say more?

Oh Oh.. We even had their 'Kottayam sherry fish curry'- finger licking good- you must give these a try!

iii)What I have been reading this month Martha Stewart's Cooking Classs

I got this book as Christmas gift from my husband (Isn't he amazing?. I love this book. Its clear and the picture are beautiful. It has a fresh touch to it. I made bolognese sauce Martha Stewarts style and it was delicious.
You can get her books in book stores or on Amazon.

iv) My favorite website this month -
.Laura Vitale is a youtube celebrity and recently started with her television show called Simply Laura. Love love love watching her videos on her youtube channel. I have made many of her recipes and\ never been disappointed, Genius I say! And a figure of  success!

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